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Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software
Pages under this one:
Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software -> 1 Layout
Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software -> 2 Maintenance Scripts
Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software -> 3 Paranoid File Copy
Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software -> 4 Movie Extraction
Projects -> Argus Array -> 2 Software -> 5 MovieMenu
Linux Era
I hate to bad mouth something so popular with my probably audience without good evidence, but oh well. I had many problems with IDE controllers under Linux writing data with completely silent errors (I would only notice the problem with doing a verification MD5 sum of the written files afterwards). This happened with PATA as well as SATA. I switched to FreeBSD and have had less trouble.
FreeBSD Era
I like to describe the BSD vs Linux thing as Linux being the young and excited crowd where BSD is more of the angry old crusty unix engineers. The Linux style seems to be "it works for me, moving on" while the old crusty engineers don't tolerate that sort of slacking. They demand that things be implemented properly or not at all. They also have very strong feelings about what constitutes a proper job. So as expected, the drive controllers that FreeBSD does support work quite well. FreeBSD is my operating system of choice when it comes to interfacing with crappy and questionable hard drives and drive controllers.
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